Productions: SHATTERED

Shattered follows a tattooed character as he unpicks the strands of memory and circumstance that delivered him to the place he now resides.

The work is a discourse on the conception of “shattered” in all its permutations.

Production details

Duration: 15 mins

Created: 2011

Choreography: Kevin Edward Turner

Music: Bill Hicks, Electronic Tapper, Leon Cohen, Beans, Portico Quartet

Lighting Design: Adam Carree

Costume & Set Design: Fabrice Serafino

Tattoo Design: Karolina Szymkiewicz

Performed by Kevin Edward Turner 

Commissioned by Contact Theatre

Booking enquiries: Sarah Trist – | +44 (0)7757 654 790

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"10 was such a wonderful experience - I cant wait to see more of your incredible work!" "Effortless grace, strength, humour and athleticism - a visual treat!" "We brought 65 young people to your performance tonight - every single one loved it! What an amazing show!" "This show reminded me why I dance and what I’m constantly working towards! Thank you for this experience!" "Such beauty in the small moments of this show - please don't stop doing what you’re doing"

Thank you to everyone who comes to watch us perform and for all your wonderful comments and feedback!