Reimagine your living room

26 March 2020

In light of the lockdown, Chameleon’s dancers bring you #IsolationImprovs and invite you to get moving, think creatively and reimagine your living room through dance.

Here at Company Chameleon, inspiring and engaging our audiences is central to all of our work, and whilst we can’t do this in person for the time being, we are looking forward to sharing content with you online.

Our team are currently creating classes, which we will share soon.  In the meantime, launching this Friday (27 March), is our #IsolationImprovs brought to you by our dancers.

Our daily #IsolationImprovs hope to entertain and inspire our friends and followers and encourage everyone to get creative in their own home spaces.

Co-Artistic Director, Kevin, said, “We hope the #IsolationImprovs performed by our dancers inspire others to use their creativity and reimagine the space they are in, and how they can be, move and act within it.  Bringing people joy, fun and that wonderful feeling/sense you have when you have created something.”

Co-Artistic Director, Anthony, said, “It is a very challenging time for everyone at the moment, but for us this is an opportunity to see how else we can bring movement to people’s lives. Staying active has never been so important. We all must look after our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, and this is where dance can have a big role to play. 

We are working to develop online content to keep professionals training at home, and dance/movement practice for children, young people and anyone else who wants to give it a go!

Thinking positively, this is a good time to take stock, challenge some habits, and introduce some new things to our lives, and why not do this through dance, we hope we can help.”

The #IsolationImprovs series starts tomorrow (Friday 27 March) on instagram, twitter and Facebook. Following on, why not make and upload your own improvisation. Simply upload and  tag us so we can see and like your homemade creations. Stay safe and keep moving (at home)!

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"Intense, exciting and inspiring.” “Pushing boundaries like no other.” "Beautiful and thought provoking." “A brilliant and moving piece of social commentary in the medium of dance.” “A gripping piece performed by fantastic dancers.”

Thank you to everyone who comes to watch us perform and for your comments and feedback!