Before Night Fell is an exploration of male identity, friendship, camaraderie and bravery. As the second in a trilogy of works investigating aspects of masculinity and maleness, Before Night Fell follows ’13’, Cassani’s award winning work made with her two sons.

Company Chameleon continue their ongoing creative collaboration with Beth Cassani. This artistic relationship has been the inspiration for much of Cassani’s work. In this new work, together they develop concepts of physical risk, game structures, intimacy, vulnerability, power and manipulation.


Production details

Duration: 25 mins

Created: 2009

Choreography: Beth Cassani, Anthony Missen & Kevin Edward Turner

Music: Vassilis Tsabropoulos | Yonderboi | Manitou

Lighting Design: Adam Carree

Costume: Fabrice Serafino

Performed by: Anthony Missen & Kevin Edward Turner

Booking enquiries: Sarah Trist at | +44 (0)7757 654 790

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"10 was such a wonderful experience - I cant wait to see more of your incredible work!" "Effortless grace, strength, humour and athleticism - a visual treat!" "We brought 65 young people to your performance tonight - every single one loved it! What an amazing show!" "This show reminded me why I dance and what I’m constantly working towards! Thank you for this experience!" "Such beauty in the small moments of this show - please don't stop doing what you’re doing"

Thank you to everyone who comes to watch us perform and for all your wonderful comments and feedback!